ZB Library

05/22/07 Minutes

May 22, 2007

President Thomas Rich called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

Present: Mr. Andersson, Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Mull, Ms. Ower, Mrs. Smith*, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Rich
Absent: None
Also present were the following: Nann Blaine Hilyard, Director; Tara Caldara, Administrative Services Coordinator; Rosemary Kauth, Circulation and Technical Services Coordinator; and visitors, including Mike Prusila and members of the Focus Group.

* Mrs. Smith entered at 6:34 p.m.

AGENDA: The amended agenda was presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Taylor moved to adopt the agenda as amended.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

COMMENTS BY VISITORS: Mike Prusila, Watershed Planner with the Stormwater Management Commission, presented information on the Kellogg Creek and Dead River Watersheds. Mr. Prusila explained that the Planning Group is working on goals and objectives, assessing the Watersheds, programs and practices, and recreational uses. Mr. Prusila wanted to raise awareness and asked that the library be a repository for information.

Mrs. Mull introduced the participants in the Focus Group After School Program. They expressed their delight with the program and reported that their children and grandchildren were progressing in school because of the tutoring they are receiving.

MINUTES: The minutes of the April 24, 2007, regular meeting were presented. The following corrections were noted: On page 1: the amount of bills to be paid should be $125,699.47 (not $25,699.47). On page 2: Mr. Rich moved to approve a $2,000 bonus for Ms. Hilyard (not Mrs. Taylor) and Ms. Hilyard presented the statistical and narrative reports for March (not February).
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to approve the minutes of the April 24, 2007, regular meeting as corrected.
Second: Mrs. Taylor.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The minutes of the April 24, 2007 Executive Session were presented.
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to approve the minutes of the April 24, 2007, Executive Session as presented.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer’s Report dated April 30, 2007, was presented.

BILLS: The bills for May were presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to approve payment of checks #31046 through #31115, with check #31054 being void, in the amount of $136,043.69.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

INVESTMENTS: The following upcoming investment activities were presented:

A $150,000 repurchase agreement due 5/31/07
A $500,000 repurchase agreement due 6/12/07
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to cash in the $150,000 repurchase agreement due on 5/31/07 and to place the principal and interest into the Library’s Super Checking Account.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to split the $500,000 repurchase agreement due on 6/12/07 and to place $250,000 into the Illinois Funds Investment Account; to reinvest $250,000 for another 180 days and to place the interest into the Library’s Super Checking Account.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

REPORTS: There was no Finance Committee report. Ms. Hilyard noted that the committee will schedule a meeting to review the FY07/08 budget. There were no Executive Committee or Friends of the Library reports.

Ms. Ower, NSLS Representative, reported that the NSLS Board met on 5/21/07. They held elections for new NSLS trustees, passed a resolution opposing House Bill 1727, and presented information on the Trustee Training Certification program. The cost and logistics of the critically important interlibrary van delivery have been of concern to NSLS. The delivery services costs 29¢ for each item, $41 per stop, and over $6 per mile. NSLS has produced a video demonstrating how to properly pack the book bags. It was shown to the NSLS board (and has been shown to library employees).

Mrs. Mull reported on the Focus Group After School Program, stating that she is pleased with the parental involvement and that 10 students currently participate. She said the group is currently reading aloud and she is pleased with their progress.

Ms. Hilyard asked for comments about the Young Adult Interest Survey that was included in the board packet. Young adult associate Craig Peterson created and administered the survey and compiled the results.

Ms. Kauth reported on the Buzz Marketing/Word of Mouth Marketing grant and explained that the first project would be promoting the self-checkout machine. “Plan Bee” will be in effect the week of June 11. Ms. Kauth distributed Bee buttons for trustees and visitors to wear and showed Trustees the other promotional materials, including the Bee and prize tickets.

LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Ms. Hilyard presented the statistical and narrative reports for April. She added that architect Jay Carow visited on 5/9/07. Ms. Hilyard reported on the library’s demonstration against House Bill 1727. Mrs. Caldara presented the Incident Report and reported that I.D. Check Week was a success. Several video clips were played at the Board’s request. Ms. Caldara also demonstrated the new web site, which she hopes will go live in early June.

COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were presented:

– A response to a Statement of Concern filed by Mrs. Mull.
– Notification to schools and media that the library will require I.D. for those under the age of 18, effective May 14.
– Notices of suspension for Terrance Anderson, Mishawn Billups, Michael Lindsey, Ronieishia Roberson, Manuel Rubio, and Brionika Woods.
– Copies of 30 faxes, signed by patrons, to Senator Michael Bond, opposing House Bill 1727 and newspaper articles and letters to the editor relating to the bill.
– A letter from Chapman and Cutler regarding the results of the Tax Rate Increase Referendum.
– A response to a letter from two patrons apologizing for an incident on 5/16/07.
– Notification from the Village of Winthrop Harbor regarding feasibility of a TIF district.
– An update from House Republican Leader Tom Cross on their sponsored initiatives.
– A response to a patron inquiring about Wi-Fi access.
– A response to a patron suggesting that the library close on a weekday so it could be open on Sunday.
– A response to a patron reporting a stolen book.
– An anonymous letter regarding the outcome of the referendum.
– A copy of the Winthrop Harbor newsletter.
– A thank-you note from former trustee Doug Townsend.

IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The tabled Emergency Closing Policy was presented. Mr. Rich noted that he was opposed to Section 3.22.2 and that he felt all staff should be paid if they were scheduled to work, regardless of whether they called in absent before an emergency closing is announced.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith
Second: Mrs. Taylor.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor. Nay: Rich. Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

X. NEW BUSINESS: A proposal from Stried Painting Inc. to paint the interior public area was presented.
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to accept the proposal from Stried Painting Inc. in the amount of $10,550.00 to paint the interior public area.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

A proposal from Stried Painting Inc. to paint the interior staff area was presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Mull moved to accept the proposal from Stried Painting Inc. in the amount of $10,975.00 to paint the interior staff area.
Second: Mrs. Smith.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The Trustee Continuing Education Policy/Authority of Library Trustees/News Media Relations policy was presented. Mr. Rich emphasized the policies on authority and media relations.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to adopt the Trustee Continuing Education Policy/Authority of Library Trustees/News Media Relations policy as presented.
Second: Ms. Ower.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The revised Personnel Policy-Benefits was presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Mull moved to adopt the revised Personnel Policy-Benefits as presented
Second: Mr. Hughes.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

Other: Mrs. Mull stated that she would appeal the staff committee’s recommendation to retain George Washington Carver, by Peter Towne, and asked that the matter be on the agenda at the June meeting.

MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Approved: June 19, 2007

Signed: Thomas Rich, President
Attest: Megan Ower, Secretary

Recording Secretary: T. Caldara

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