ZB Library

05/22/12 Minutes

May 22, 2012

President Thomas Rich called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Present: George Andersson, Jessica Keddy, Mary Martin, Dana McCarthy, Beverly Mull and Thomas Rich. Absent: Stephanie Smith. Staff present: Nann Blaine Hilyard, Tara Caldara, Sarah Covey and Rosemary Kauth. Visitors present: None.

AGENDA: Mr. Rich presented the agenda and amended it to include item XIII. Executive Session.
Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Second: Mr. Andersson. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Keddy, Martin, McCarthy, Mull and Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

COMMENTS BY VISITORS: There were no visitor comments.

MINUTES: The minutes of the April 24, 2012 regular meeting were presented.
Motion: Mrs. Martin moved to approve minutes from the April 24, 2012 regular meeting as presented. Second: Mrs. Mull. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Keddy, Martin, McCarthy, Mull and Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report dated April 30, 2012 was presented. Ms. Hilyard also presented the investment report for April.

BILLS: The bills for April/May were presented for approval.
Motion: Mrs. Keddy moved to approve payment of checks #35571-35629, with check #35591 being void, and wire transfers, in the amount of $157,363.68. Second: Mrs. Martin. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Keddy, Martin, McCarthy, Mull and Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

REPORTS: Ms. Hilyard reported that the finance committee needs to set a meeting date and that the Friends of the Library have several new members due to the registration option on the Partners in Reading mailing. She hopes they will plan an event for the National Friends of the Library Week in the fall. Mrs. Mull reported that the After School Program had 54 attendees in April and that their end-of-the-year field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry is planned for June 2, 2012.

LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Ms. Hilyard presented the statistical, narrative and incident reports for April. Ms. Hilyard added that the Plant Swap was a success, even though Fran Pataska (who normally plans and sets up the event) was ill. Ms. Caldara presented three items for Accentuate the Positive: a tablet and books from the Illinois State Library to help local business owners, remote/mobile printing is now activated and Freegal has a new app available to download music.

COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were presented:

  • A thank you letter from the Family Resource Center of Zion for the donation of children’s clothing left over from the Care & Share Clothing Exchange.
  • A thank you letter from the Village of Winthrop Harbor for video coupons for the Egg Hunt.
  • A thank you letter from New Tech Intern Zak Oglesby for his experience working at the library.
  • A thank you letter from College of Lake County for partnering to provide Families First GED classes at the library and to inform the library that classes will resume in the fall.
  • Suspension notices for Ahmad, Evans, Jackson and Williams.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board went into Executive Session at 7:05 p.m.
Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to enter an Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Zion-Benton Public Library, and invited Ms. Hilyard, Ms. Caldara and Ms. Kauth to attend. Second: Mr. Andersson. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Keddy, Martin, McCarthy, Mull and Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

The meeting reconvened in open session at 7:13 p.m.

Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to waive vacation carryover limits for a specific employee. Second: Mrs. Martin.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Keddy, Martin, McCarthy, Mull and Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mrs. Martin. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Keddy, Martin, McCarthy, Mull and Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Approved: June 19, 2012
Signed: Stephanie Smith, President Pro Tem
Attest: Mary E. Martin, Secretary

Recording Secretary: Tara Caldara

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