ZB Library

08/28/07 Minutes

August 28, 2007

President Thomas Rich called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.

Present: Mr. Andersson, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Ower, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Rich
Absent: Mrs. Mull, Mrs. Taylor
Also present were the following: Nann Blaine Hilyard, Director; Tara Caldara, Administrative Services Coordinator; Susan Clark, Adult Services Coordinator; Carol Cramer, Youth Services Coordinator; Rosemary Kauth, Circulation and Technical Services Coordinator; Tom Jones, Security Supervisor; and incoming Friends President Betsy Hastings.

AGENDA: The agenda was presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to adopt the agenda as presented.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Ower, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

COMMENTS BY VISITORS: Ms. Hastings reported that she is working on scheduling Friends for the book sale on 9/29.

MINUTES: The minutes of the July 24, 2007, regular meeting were presented.
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2007, regular meeting as presented.
Second: Mrs. Smith.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Ower, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer’s Report dated July 31, 2007, was presented.

BILLS: The bills for July/August were presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to approve payment of a wire transfer and checks #31280 through #31370, with check #31294 being void, in the amount of $193,314.45.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Ower, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

INVESTMENTS: The following upcoming investment activities were presented.

A $200,000 repurchase agreement due 9/24/07.
MOTION: Mr. Andersson moved roll over a $200,000 repurchase agreement due on 9/24/07 for 180 days and to place the principal into the library’s Super Checking account.
Second: Ms. Ower.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Ower, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

REPORTS: There were no Finance Committee, Executive Committee, Friends, or NSLS Representative reports.

Ms. Kauth reported that she referred a volunteer to Mrs. Mull for the After School Program.

Tom Jones, Security Supervisor, introduced himself and reported on the security plans for the upcoming school year. He also noted that he is currently advertising for two openings.

LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Ms. Hilyard presented the statistical, narrative, and incident reports for July. Mr. Andersson asked what Play-Aways are and Ms. Kauth demonstrated. Mrs. Hilyard remarked that she was disappointed that Circulation is declining, but felt that reporting methods are more accurate than they were last year. Mrs. Smith noted that program attendance is rising. Ms. Hilyard reported on the progress of replacing the dead tree in the Memorial Garden.

Mr. Hughes asked about Manuel Rubio and Ms. Caldara explained that he was satisfied with the outcome.

A PowerPoint presentation of Youth Services Summer Programs was shown.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Use of staff names in incident reports. Several Board members would like to see full names used in incident reports or a key of staff initials. Mr. Hughes remarked that he thought it would be more professional to use full names. Mr. Rich was opposed and concerned about the safety of the Monitors. The issue was tabled to the next meeting.

NEW BUSINESS: The Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 was presented.
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to accept the Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 as presented and to authorize the Treasurer to sign it.
Second: Mr. Hughes.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Ower, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The Illinois State Library Public Library Annual Report for FY06/07 was presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to accept the Illinois State Library Public Library Annual Report for FY06/07 as presented
Second: Ms. Ower.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Ower, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The Disaster Response Plan was presented.
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to accept the Disaster Response Plan as presented.
Second: Mrs. Smith.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Ower, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The FY07/08 Per Capita Grant was presented for the Board’s information.

MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to adjourn the meeting.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Hughes, Ower, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Approved: September 25, 2007

Signed: Shantal Taylor, President Pro Tem
Attest: Megan Ower, Secretary

Recording Secretary: T. Caldara

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