ZB Library

07/27/10 Minutes

July 27, 2010

President Pro Tem Stephanie Smith called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Present: George Andersson, Lauren Fleming, Brenda Harris, Dana McCarthy, Beverly Mull, Stephanie Smith.  Absent: Thomas Rich.  Staff present: Tara Caldara, Carol Cramer, Nann Blaine Hilyard, Rosemary Kauth, and Sarah Covey.  Visitors present: Sophia Degraffenreid and Guy Blaszak.

AGENDA: Mrs. Smith presented the agenda and amended it to include a presentation from Guy Blaszak, Heil & Heil Insurance; discussion of Sophia Degraffenreid’s suspension appeal; and a request to change the next meeting time.
Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Second: Mr. Andersson.  Roll Call: Aye: Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

COMMENTS BY VISITORS: Sophia Degraffenreid appealed her suspension from the library and stated that she did not feel welcome or respected in the library.  A lengthy discussion ensued, during which time Mrs. Harris stated that she felt the suspension was excessive.  Mrs. Smith thanked Ms. Degraffenreid for her comments and noted that the suspension appeal would be discussed under New Business.  Ms. Degraffenreid left the meeting.

Sarah Covey presented a booklet for the Let’s Talk About It – Picturing America book discussion series, which starts on August 24 at 7:00 p.m.  Ms. Covey left the meeting.

Guy Blaszak, Heil & Heil Insurance, presented information about the library’s business, worker’s compensation and umbrella policies.  Mr Blaszak left the meeting.

MINUTES: The minutes of the June 22, 2010 regular meeting were presented.
Motion: Mr. McCarthy moved to approve minutes from the June 22, 2010 meeting as presented. Second: Mrs. Harris. Roll Call: Aye: Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith. Nay: -0- Abstain: Andersson. Motion carried.

MINUTES: The minutes of the June 22, 2010 executive session were presented.  Mr. McCarthy noted that the date was incorrectly listed as June 22, 2009.
Motion: Mr. McCarthy moved to approve minutes from the June 22, 2010 executive session as corrected. Second: Mrs. Harris. Roll Call: Aye: Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith. Nay: -0- Abstain: Andersson. Motion carried.

MINUTES: The minutes of the June 7, 2010 Finance Committee meeting were presented.
Motion: Mr. McCarthy moved to approve minutes from the June 7, 2010 Finance Committee meeting as presented. Second: Mrs. Harris. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report dated June 30, 2010, was presented.  Ms. Hilyard remarked on the account balances and presented a summary of special reserve expenditures.

BILLS: The bills for June/July were presented.

Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to approve payment of checks #34417-#34165, with check #34121,  being void, in the amount of $124,633.43. Second: Mr. McCarthy.  Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

INVESTMENTS: There were no investments.


Mrs. Smith reported that the Friends will meet on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. and that she is working on a sorting schedule for book sale volunteers.

Mrs. Mull reported that the After School Program is busy making plans for the upcoming school year.

LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Ms. Hilyard presented the statistical, narrative, and incident reports for June and early July.

COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were presented:

  • Compliments for employees Luis, Fran and Tim.
  • A response to a comment about Interlibrary delivery.
  • A thank you from the Kiwanis Club of Zion-Benton for sponsoring a hole in the golf outing.
  • A letter about a memorial book for Richard Sheltman.
  • A suspension notice for Sophia Degraffenreid.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.


Ordinance 10/11-O-1, “Ordinance Determining to Levy an Additional Tax of 0.02% for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year” was presented.
Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to approve Ordinance 10/11-O-1, “Ordinance Determining to Levy an Additional Tax of 0.02% for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year.” Second: Mr. Andersson. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith.  Nay: -0- Abstain: Fleming. Motion carried.

Ordinance 10/11-O-2, “Ordinance Adopting Prevailing Wage Rates” was presented.
Motion:  Mr. McCarthy moved to approve Ordinance 10/11-O-2, “Ordinance Adopting Prevailing Wage Rates.” Second: Mrs. Harris. Roll Call:  Aye: Andersson, Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith.  Nay: -0- Abstain:-0-. Motion carried.

The Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance was presented.  The Notice of Public Hearing will be published in the Zion-Benton News o8/26/10 so that the public hearing can be held at 6:30 p.m. on 09/28/10.
Motion:  Ms. Fleming moved to approve the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance, to publish the Notice of Public Hearing, and to hold the public hearing, as required by law. Second: Mrs. Harris. Roll Call:  Aye: Andersson, Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith.  Nay: -0- Abstain:-0-. Motion carried.

Ms. Fleming and Mrs. Harris volunteered to audit the Secretary’s minutes for FY09/10.

Mr. Anderson exited the meeting.

The Board considered Sophia Degraffenreid’s suspension appeal.  Trustees asked to speak with Tom Jones, Security Supervisor.  Mr. Jones reported his version of the incident, which occurred on 7/6/10.  He was excused and a lengthy discussion ensued.

Motion:  Mrs. Mull moved to reduce Sophia Degraffenreid’s suspension to one month, ending on 8/6/10. Second: None.  Motion died for lack of a second.
:  Mrs. Harris moved to reduce Sophia Degraffenreid’s suspension to time served, ending on 7/27/10.  Second: Mrs. Mull. Roll Call:  Aye: Harris, Mull.  Nay: Fleming, McCarthy, Smith.  Abstain:-0-. Motion failed.

Ms. Fleming asked that the suspension policy be reviewed at the next regular board meeting.

Mrs. Smith amended the meeting schedule for FY10/11, changing the 8/24/10 meeting time to 6:00 p.m. and changing the January meeting date to 1/25/11.


The Board went into Executive Session at 8:48 p.m.

Motion:  Mrs. Harris moved to enter an Executive Session in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Zion-Benton Public Library District and invited Ms. Hilyard to attend.
Second: Ms. Fleming.  Roll Call: Aye: Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith,. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

The meeting reconvened in open session at 8:56 p.m.

Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to approve position change for Tara Caldara to Assistant Director.  Second: Mrs. Harris.  Roll Call: Aye: Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith,. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to approve a change in the library director’s health insurance coverage: continue to pay the premium at the library’s HMO rate or alternate carrier rate, whichever is lower.  This is subject to her acceptance by the alternate carrier. Second: Mr. McCarthy.  Roll Call: Aye: Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith,. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.


Motion: Mr. McCarthy moved to adjourn the meeting.  Second: Mrs. Harris.  Roll Call: Aye: Fleming, Harris, McCarthy, Mull, Smith. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.

Approved: 8/31/10
Signed:  Thomas Rich, President
Attest: Dana McCarthy, Secretary Pro Tem
Recording Secretary:  Tara Caldara

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