ZB Library

03/22/11 Minutes

March 22, 2011

President Tom Rich called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Mr. Rich appointed Mrs. Smith as Secretary Pro Tem.

ROLL CALL: Present: George Andersson, Dana McCarthy, Beverly Mull, Stephanie Smith and Thomas Rich. Absent: Lauren Fleming, Brenda Harris. Staff present: Nann Blaine Hilyard, Tara Caldara, Carol Cramer and Rosemary Kauth. Visitors present: none.

AGENDA: Mr. Rich presented the agenda and added item X.c Reschedule September Board meeting.
Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Second: Mr. Andersson. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, McCarthy, Mull, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

COMMENTS BY VISITORS: There were no visitor comments.

MINUTES: The minutes of the February 22, 2011 regular meeting were presented.
Motion: Mrs. Smith moved to approve minutes from the February 22, 2011, regular meeting as presented. Second: Mr. McCarthy. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, McCarthy, Mull, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

The minutes of the February 22, 2011 executive session were presented.
Motion: Mr. McCarthy moved to approve minutes from the February 22, 2011, executive session as presented. Second: Mrs. Smith. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, McCarthy, Mull, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report dated February 28, 2011 was presented. Ms. Hilyard reported that the library received notice that this year’s per capita grant will be paid in full with LSTA funds.

BILLS: The bills for February/March were presented for approval.
Motion: Mr. McCarthy moved to approve payment of checks #34635-#34700, with check #34644 being void, in the amount of $160,077.37. Second: Mrs. Smith. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, McCarthy, Mull, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

REPORTS: There was no Finance Committee or Friends of the Library report. Mrs. Mull reports that The After School Program is doing well and she’s even had some high school students who want to help tutor.

LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Ms. Hilyard presented the statistical, narrative, and incident reports for February. Ms. Hilyard added that she attended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Women’s History Month Celebration on Saturday, March 19 and that approximately 40 people attended. She said it was a lot of fun and reported that Cheri Ditzig, Zion Township Supervisor, was honored. On Saturday evening, she attended Pastor Gaston’s last banquet. Ms. Hilyard also noted that the library has been very busy in the afternoon.

ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE: A Teen Tech Week slideshow created by Dawn Abron and Sarah Covey was presented.

COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were presented:

  • A reply to an inquiry about Microsoft Excel classes.
  • Notification from the City of Zion that there were no violations to fire or life safety during the annual fire inspection conductedon 2/24/11.
  • A letter from Ms. Hilyard to the North Suburban Library System’s Board of Directors requesting the return of a $4958.00 “donation.”
  • A reply to a suggestion that patrons get a fuller cup of coffee.
  • A reply to a suggestion that security monitors be scheduled on Saturdays.
  • A thank you from the Kiwanis Club of Zion-Benton for the raffle donation for the annual Pancake Breakfast.
  • A thank you and ad copies from the Kiwanis Club of Zion-Benton for placemat ads for the annual Pancake Breakfast.
  • A thank you to Carol Cramer for conducting an interview with a library science student.
  • Three comments from patrons who like the library.
  • A list of peer compliments.
  • An itemized breakdown of proceeds of properties that went to tax sale due to nonpayment from the Lake County Clerk’s office.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.


Ms. Hilyard asked to reschedule the September 27, 2011 Board meeting to September 26, 2011.
Motion: Mrs. Smith moved to reschedule the September 27, 2011 Board meeting to September 26, 2011. Second: Mr. Andersson. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, McCarthy, Mull, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

The Amended Plan Document from Nationwide Retirement Solutions was presented.
Motion: Mrs. Smith moved to approve the plan document and to authorize the library director to sign the provided signature page. Second: Ms. Mull. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, McCarthy, Mull, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

The personnel policies for Work Week, Benefits and Leaves were presented with recommended changes.
Motion: Mrs. Smith moved to adopt the personnel policies for Work Week, Benefits and Leaves as recommended. Second: Ms. Mull. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, McCarthy, Mull, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion: Mrs. Mull moved to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mrs. Smith. Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, McCarthy, Mull, Smith, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0- Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Approved:April 26, 2011
Signed: Thomas Rich, President
Attest: Brenda Harris, Secretary
Recording Secretary: Tara Caldara

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