ZB Library

05/27/14 Minutes

May 27, 2014

President George Andersson called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Present: Wendy Driver, Yadira Guzman, Mary Martin*, Stephanie Smith, Matthew St. Cyr and George Andersson. Absent: Beverly Mull. Staff present: Tara Caldara, Elsie Martinez, Rosemary Kauth and Sarah Washkoviak. Visitors present: Tom Rich, Tom Rich Consulting.

Mr. Andersson appointed Mr. St. Cyr as Secretary Pro Tem.

AGENDA: Mr. Andersson presented the agenda and added item VIII.c School Partnership.
Motion: Mrs. Smith moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Second: Mrs. Guzman. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

COMMENTS BY VISITORS: There were no visitor comments.

MINUTES: The minutes of the April 22, 2014 regular meeting were presented. Motion: Mrs. Driver moved to approve the minutes from the April 22, 2014 regular meeting as presented. Second: Mr. St. Cyr. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

The minutes of the May 7, 2014 Special Meeting were presented. Motion: Mr. St. Cyr moved to approve the minutes from the May 7, 2014 Special Meeting as presented. Second: Mrs. Driver. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: Smith. Motion carried.

The minutes of the May 7, 2014 Special Meeting Executive Session were presented. Motion: Mrs. Driver moved to approve the minutes from the May 7, 2014 Special Meeting Executive Session as presented. Second: Mrs. Guzman. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: Smith. Motion carried.

TREASURER’S AND INVESTMENT REPORT: The treasurer’s and investment report for April 2014 was presented. Ms. Caldara pointed out areas of concern and noted that the March CCS invoice had been coded incorrectly and would be corrected with a journal entry.

Ms. Caldara distributed information containing tax rate comparison charts published in May 2014 by the Zion Township Assessor; ZB Library’s 2013 Tax Extension Certificate; ZB Library’s EAV, Tax Rate and Extension History; a tentative ordinance calendar; and a tax levy explanation from the county’s website.

BILLS: The list of bills for May 2014 was presented for approval. Motion: Mrs. Guzman moved to approve payment of wire transfers and checks #38884-38956, in the amount of $178,624.36. Second: Mrs. Smith. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

REPORTS: In the absence of Mrs. Mull, Ms. Caldara reported that Mrs. Mull brought students from the After School Program to her office to demonstrate how loud they had been in the meeting room and that behavior has improved. Ms. Kauth reported that Mrs. Mull is planning the annual field trip and has asked for buttons for attendees.

Mr. St. Cyr reported that the Taxing Bodies were meeting and that he attended a planning meeting for the City of Zion to learn about the grant they received to update the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Ms. Caldara presented the statistical, narrative, staff Reaching Forward and incident reports for May. Ms. Washkoviak reported that she has hired Rosa Herrera (from the Circulation department) as the new Youth Services Associate and Rosa will start on 6/9. Ms. Kauth reported that she posted the open position in-house and a current employee requested the hours, so she has reposted with the new hours and two current staff members have expressed interest.


  • Tara, Sarah, Sara, Dawn and Briony attended a luncheon at New-Tech High @ Zion-Benton East to celebrate student interns.
  • Youth Services had a lot of wonderful entries for the bookmark contest and winning bookmarks are posted on the library’s Facebook page.

* Mrs. Martin entered at 7:16 p.m.

COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were presented.

  • Copies of certificates from New-Tech High @ Zion-Benton East for our contribution to the Internship Program.
  • A thank you to the Board from Nann for retirement gifts.
  • A copy of an online News-Sun article titled, “Zion-Benton Public Library director to retire after 39 years.” Dated 4/30/14.
  • Copies of letters from the Urban Libraries Council to the mayors of Beach Park, Winthrop Harbor and Zion, congratulating the library as an early adopter of Edge.
  • A letter from LIMRiCC with an update on joint self-insurance pools.
  • A thank you for a donation of video coupons to the Winthrop Harbor Annual Easter Egg Hunt.
  • A letter from Team One Repair, Inc. announcing that Rosemary Kauth won a Hold Label printer system.
  • A compliment for employee Jean Klaeren (on a certificate made by the patron).
  • A compliment for employee Jean Klaeren.
  • A thank you from Tim Dilsaver, Pace Suburban Bus for providing a venue for their Ventra Day event.
  • A response to a patron who inquired about volunteer opportunities.
  • A response to a suggestion that we add a link to our e-Resources page.
  • A response to a patron suggesting more programs for 20 year-olds.
  • A response to a patron suggesting a sign on the handicapped door control.
  • A response to a patron congratulating the Care & Share Program and suggesting a list of children’s program in Spanish.
  • A thank you for donating our old (very heavy) sandwich board signs to the Zee Bee Run Squad.

TRUSTEE DEVELOPMENT: Mrs. Driver volunteers to provide a summary of Chapter 9 from the Trustee Facts File, 4th Edition at the June meeting.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.


A request to close the library on July 5, 2014, in honor of Independence Day was presented. Motion: Mrs. Smith moved to close the library on July 5, 2014, in honor of Independence Day. Second: Mr. Andersson. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Martin, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

A request to authorize Special Reserve expenditures was presented. Motion: Mr. St. Cyr moved: to approve spending up to $1,000 from the Special Reserve fund for Ernie Peterson Plumbing to pipe water to ZBistro and to authorize a contract with JC Vending, Inc. for a coffee machine; and to approve spending $558.00 from the Special Reserve fund for two OKI or TPG Holds Label Printers from Team One BooksOnReserve. Second: Mr. Andersson. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Martin, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

A request to approve partnership with Zion Elementary Community Schools was presented. Motion: Mrs. Smith moved to approve partnership with Zion Elementary Community Schools and to authorize the Interim Director to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to support grant-seeking opportunities. Second: Mrs. Driver. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Martin, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion: Mr. Andersson moved to enter into Executive Session, in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1) with Tara Caldara and Tom Rich attendance. Second: Mrs. Guzman. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Martin, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

The board reconvened in open session at 8:32 p.m.

Motion: Mr. St. Cyr moved to approve the updated Director’s Position Description. Second: Mrs. Guzman. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Martin, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

Motion: Mr. St. Cyr moved to approve the ad for Director and to authorize Tom Rich and Tara Caldara to post it. Second: Mrs. Martin. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Martin, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion: Mr. St. Cyr moved to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mrs. Guzman. Roll Call: Aye: Driver, Guzman, Martin, Smith, St. Cyr and Andersson. Nay: -0-. Abstain: -0-. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Approved: June 24, 2014
Signed: /s/ George Andersson, President
Attest: /s/ Mary E. Martin, Secretary
Recording Secretary: Tara Caldara


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