ZB Library

07/25/06 Minutes

July 25, 2006

President Pro Tem Shantal Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.

Present: Mr. Andersson, Mrs. Mull, *Ms. Ower, *Mrs. Smith, Mr. Townsend, Mrs. Taylor.
Absent: Mr. Rich
Also present were the following: Nann Blaine Hilyard, Director; Tara Caldara, Administrative Services Coordinator; Susan Clark, Adult Services Coordinator; and Carol Cramer, Youth Services Coordinator.

* Ms. Ower and Mrs. Smith entered at 6:32 p.m.

AGENDA: The agenda was presented and the following items were deleted: VI.c Approve Monthly Investments; X.b Appoint Treasurer; and X.c Appointment of Board Committees.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to adopt the agenda.
Second: Mr. Townsend.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

COMMENTS BY VISITORS: There were no visitor comments.

MINUTES: The minutes of the June 20, 2006 Regular meeting were presented. Mrs. Taylor noted a correction in the Library Director’s Report section which included a discussion about incidents. The item should read that Mrs. Taylor recommended the use of community volunteers and Ms. Ower recommended forming a committee….
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2006 regular meeting as corrected.
Second: Mr. Townsend.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The minutes of the June 20, 2006 Executive Session were presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2006 Executive Session as corrected.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer’s Report dated June 30, 2006 was presented. Mrs. Mull asked if the promotion and publicity budget included funds for referendum information. Ms. Hilyard explained that this was last fiscal year’s budget and that the budget for FY06/07 would include funds in the Consultants line item.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

BILLS: The bills for July were presented.
MOTION: Mr. Andersson moved to approve payment of checks #30326 through #30371, and a wire transfer, with check #30211 being void, in the amount of $138,089.08.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

REPORTS: There were no Finance or Executive Committee Reports. Mrs. Smith reported that the Friends of the Library would hold their annual meeting on 8/9 at 7:00 p.m. Future plans include a “Cream of the Crop” Used Book Sale on 9/16 and a mystery play on 11/4. Mrs. Ower, NSLS Representative, reported that NSLS has developed a Trustee Training Task Force and has updated its online resources for Trustees, and that the ILA Conference would include a Trustee Track.

LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Hilyard presented the statistical, narrative and incident reports for June 2006. Tara Caldara reported that Partners in Reading has collected $8,325 from 95 donors, and that the Zion Police Department will be using the library’s parking lot during the Zion City of Miracles Back to School Festival on 8/19. Mrs. Taylor will contact the festival organizer to ensure that the library is included next year. Mrs. Caldara also reported that Officer Brooks mentioned using the Zion Police Explorers at the library’s back to school festival and possibly after school. Mrs. Taylor will contact Officer Brooks. Mrs. Taylor reported that she and Ms. Hilyard met with Ron Wynn, District 6 Superintendent and they discussed behavior problems at the library. Mrs. Taylor and Ms. Hilyard also went to the River Forest Public Library to learn about their after school initiatives. Mrs. Taylor commended Ms. Hilyard for going the extra mile. Mrs. Taylor again recommended using community volunteers and noted that she would be the first to sign up. Mrs. Caldara informed trustees that because of behavior problems, the monitor has been asked back early. She outlined problems resulting from public computer use and steps that Department Heads have taken to alleviate some of the problems, including unauthorized use of library cards and qualifications for obtaining a guest pass. Director Hilyard reported that she, Mrs. Mull, Ms. Ower, and Mrs. Taylor attended the workshop and discussion on the movie “Crash.” They received instructions for creating a conversation café. Ms. Ower and Mrs. Taylor plan to share this information with the Coalition for Healthy Communities Cross Cultural Committee. Mrs. Taylor also mentioned that the Chamber of Commerce After Hours Event held on July 20th was a great success.

COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were presented:
– A response to a complaint and suggestion that the library have more computers for guests to use without a library card.
– A letter of complaint to Elite Maintenance regarding non-workers in the library after hours.
– Publicity and responses from the Sara Gruen program on 6/24/06.

MOTION: Mr. Townsend moved to accept the Library Director’s statistical, narrative and incident reports for as presented.
Second: Mrs. Smith.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Incident reports were discussed during the Director’s report.

NEW BUSINESS: Ordinance 06/07-O-1, “Ordinance Determining to Levy an Additional Tax of 0.02% for the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year” was presented.
MOTION: Mr. Townsend moved to adopt Ordinance 06-07-O-1.
Second: Mrs. Smith.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

Schedule FY06/07 Regular Board Meetings.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to schedule the FY06/07 Regular Board Meetings for the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

Review of Chapters VI Programming and VII Access of Serving Our Public.
MOTION: Mr. Townsend moved to accept the review of Chapters VI Programming and VII Access of Serving Our Public.
Second: Ms. Ower.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

Establish new Illinois Funds Investment Account.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to establish a new Illinois Funds Investment Account.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

Designation of Depository for Library Funds.
MOTION: Mrs. Mull moved to designate the Illinois Funds as a depository for library funds and to authorize Tara Caldara, Nann Blaine Hilyard, Beverly Mull and Thomas Rich to sign as agents for the library’s accounts.
Second: Ms. Ower.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

Appoint Committee to Audit Secretary’s Minutes. Mr. Townsend and Mrs. Smith volunteered to audit the Secretary’s minutes.

MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to adjourn the meeting.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call:
Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Townsend, Taylor.
Nay: -0-
Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Approved: August 22, 2006
Thomas Rich, President
George Andersson, Secretary

Recording Secretary: T. Caldara

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