10/24/06 Minutes
October 24, 2006
President Thomas Rich called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Present: Mr. Andersson, Mrs. Mull, Ms. Ower, Mr. Rich, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Townsend.
Absent: None.
Also present were the following: Nann Blaine Hilyard, Director; Tara Caldara, Administrative Services Coordinator; Susan Clark, Adult Services Coordinator; Carol Cramer, Youth Services Coordinator; Rosemary Kauth, Circulation and Technical Services Coordinator; David Cain, Milburn Cain & Co.; Robyn Cain, Youth Services Associate; Craig Peterson, Young Adult Associate; and Richard Taylor, former Behavior Monitor.
AGENDA: The agenda was presented.MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to adopt the agenda as presented.
Second: Ms. Ower.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
COMMENTS BY VISITORS: Craig Peterson, Young Adult Associate, reported that he has met with Deb Will, IMC Coordinator at ZBTHS. He has signed on to ZBTHS’s online bulletin board NOIZ. Future plans include setting up a teen advisory group, and possibly stationing a table in the YA Area where he could assist young adult patrons.
Richard Taylor, former employee, addressed the Board regarding his termination. He then left the meeting.
Robyn Cain, Youth Library Associate, addressed the Board regarding Mr. Taylor’s performance during his employment.
David Cain, Milburn Cain & Company, reviewed the FY2005/2006 Audit and addressed context, auditor’s opinion, and management’s discussion and analysis, then left the meeting.
MINUTES: The minutes of the September 26, 2006 regular meeting were presented. Ms. Ower felt that the discussion regarding the appeal of suspension and review of the suspension policy was erroneously recorded. A discussion ensued.
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to strike the last two paragraphs on page 4 of the minutes. Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call: Aye: Mull, Ower. Nay: Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Abstain: Andersson.
Motion defeated.
Ms. Ower moved to clarify that the discussion about review of the suspension policy was regarding one-year suspensions. A discussion ensued and other Trustees understood that the entire suspension policy was to be reviewed.
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to clarify that the discussion about review of the suspension policy was regarding one-year suspensions.
Second: There was no second.
Motion lost.
MOTION: Mr. Townsend moved to approve the minutes of the September 26, 2006 regular meeting as presented.
Second: Mrs. Taylor.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: Ower. Abstain: Mull. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: The Treasurer’s Report dated September 30, 2006 was presented. MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.
Second: Mrs. Taylor.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: Mull, Ower.
Motion carried.
BILLS: The bills for October were presented.MOTION: Mrs. Taylor moved to approve payment of checks #30527 through #30604 and a wire transfer, with check #30532 being void, in the amount of $162,605.03.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
Investments: The following upcoming investment activities were presented.
Roll over a $500,000 Repurchase Agreement due on 11/14/06 for 150 days and place the interest into the library’s Super Checking Account.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to roll over a $500,000 Repurchase Agreement due on 11/14/06 for 150 days and to place the interest into the library’s Super Checking Account. Second: Mrs. Taylor.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
REPORTS: There was no Finance Committee or Executive Committee report.
Friends: Mrs. Smith reported that the Crème de la Crème book sale went well and that the Mystery Play is cast. Tickets are on sale now for $15 each.
NSLS: Ms. Ower reported that she and Mrs. Mull attended the Parliamentary Procedures Workshop at NSLS on 10/23/06. She will provide notes from that workshop for future board discussion. She distributed the Member Report Card from NSLS that detailed ZBPLD participation in system services in the past year.
LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Hilyard presented the statistical and narrative reports for September 2006. Mrs. Cramer added that the library will receive $1,000 to purchase multicultural materials as part of a grant awarded to Beach Park Middle School.
Ms. Hilyard reported that LibraryPalooza was a success and Mrs. Caldara presented video of the event.
Ms. Hilyard reminded the Trustees about the Community Spelling Bee, a benefit for Zion Township’s CREW, scheduled for 11/9 at 7:00 p.m. State Rep. JoAnn Osmond is sponsoring the library team, composed of Tara Caldara, Megan Ower, and Steffi Smith.
Mrs. Smith remarked that the library was lucky to have Chris Reisterer as an intern.
Mrs. Caldara presented the Incident reports for mid-September through mid-October and reviewed video footage. Mrs. Mull and Mrs. Taylor expressed concern about the recent one-person-per-computer rule and felt that parents and children should be allowed to work together. President Rich directed staff to designate some computers that parents and children could use together.
COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were presented:
– A notice of suspension for Gregory Stokes.
– A notice of suspension for Gerrell Davis.
– A notice of suspension for Arkia Fisher.
– A notice of suspension for JoRial Edwards.
– A letter to Michelyn Woods amending son George’s suspension.
– Thank you letters to National City Bank, IUP Feed Store, First Bank, El Lago, City of Zion, Boy Scout Troop 66, Rolling Hills, Teacher’s Market, and Bridgeview Bank, for supporting LibraryPalooza.
– Notification that the library was awarded a $4,396 LSTA grant for “Spanish for Library Staff.”
– Notification that the library was not awarded an LSTA grant for “Zion History Digitization.”
MOTION: Mr. Townsend moved to accept the Library Director’s statistical, narrative, and incident reports for September 2006, as presented.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: Ower.
Motion carried.
Unfinished business: Trustees discussed the Suspension/Disciplinary Policy. Mrs. Taylor reported that she has been trying to get in touch with Officer Wayne Brooks to discuss having the Police Explorers at the library during peak hours. President Rich told Trustees that he felt it is not the role of the Board to intervene in day-to-day library operations, such as issuing suspensions. Ms. Ower stated that she was satisfied with the current policy, as it allows a forum for patrons to challenge a suspension if needed. She also stated that she felt it was not the Board’s role to issue suspensions. Mrs. Taylor agreed and said she would like to see Monitors behave in a more friendly way to the public, but that after watching the video footage, she understood that could be difficult. She recommended that staff read the book The Power of Being Nice and offered to conduct a book discussion. She asked for more concrete documentation. Mr. Townsend stated that he believes staff should be empowered via policy and that it is up to the Director, not the Board, to ensure that responsible people follow policy. He feels she has done a good job with this. There were no comments from Mrs. Mull or Mrs. Smith. Mr. Andersson concurred that staff need the authority to suspend. The issue was tabled to the next meeting and Mrs. Taylor requested all documentation relating to Gregory Stokes.
NEW BUSINESS: A Resolution to Determine an Estimate of Funds for FY06/07 was presented.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to adopt Resolution 06/07-R-1, “Resolution to Determine an Estimate of Funds Needed for 2006-2007 Fiscal Year.”
Second: Mrs. Taylor.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
The FY2005-2006 Annual Audit was discussed. Mrs. Smith asked Director Hilyard to seriously contemplate having two people handle the cash management.
MOTION: Mr. Townsend moved to accept the FY2005-2006 Annual Audit as presented.
Second: Mr. Andersson.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to reduce the capitalization threshold from $5,000 to $1,000.
Second: Mr. Townsend.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
Designation of Depository for Library Funds.
MOTION: Mrs. Smith moved to designate First Midwest Bank as a depository for library funds and to authorize Beverly Mull and Thomas Rich to sign as agents for the library’s accounts, and to authorize Tara Caldara, Nann Blaine Hilyard, Beverly Mull and Thomas Rich to conduct wire transfers.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
Executive Session: Trustees entered an Executive Session to discuss specific employees of the Zion-Benton Public Library District.
MOTION: Mrs. Taylor moved to enter an Executive Session in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Zion-Benton Public Library District.
Second: Mr. Townsend.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
The meeting reconvened in open session at 9:26 p.m.
MOTION: Mr. Townsend moved to instruct Director Hilyard to write a letter to Richard Taylor, notifying him of the Board’s decision to uphold his termination.
Second: Mrs. Mull.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
MOTION: Ms. Ower moved to adjourn the meeting.
Second: Mrs. Smith.
Roll Call: Aye: Andersson, Mull, Ower, Smith, Taylor, Townsend, Rich. Nay: -0- Abstain: -0-
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Approved November 28, 2006
Signed: Thomas Rich, President
Attest: George Andersson, Secretary
Recording Secretary: T. Caldara