6/2/15 Finance Minutes
June 2, 2015
The Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Zion-Benton Public Library District met on Tuesday, June 2, 2015, at 4:30 pm in the Adult Services Study Room.
Present: Wendy Driver, Treasurer; Mary Martin, Secretary; Dale Ridder, Trustee; and Carol Dolin, Director.
Mrs. Dolin presented a rough draft of the FY15/16 budget proposal and reviewed income and expense proposals for FY15/16, which included a salary study and recommended pay grade and range adjustments.
Mrs. Dolin noted that the personnel budget will be reduced due to a number of staff retirements and reorganization of departments. Other budget line items may change, depending on quotes expected from vendors. Mrs. Dolin reviewed possible projects to be completed using Special Reserve funds, including replacement of the aging HVAC system. The Finance Committee members prioritized the projects and recommended that some be budgeted and others appropriated but not planned for FY 15-16. Ms. Dolin will gather more information about the HVAC system replacement before the full board review.
The committee unanimously agreed to place the proposal on the agenda for the June 23, 2015 board meeting and to enter into an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Approved: June 23, 2015
Signed: /s/ Matthew St. Cyr, President
Attest: /s/ Mary E. Martin, Secretary
Recording Secretary: Carol Dolin