ZB Library

Library Updates

Tech Club To-Go

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Come by The Sandbox Makerspace to borrow a tech kit with materials for several projects. We will provide links to our Youtube channel where you can find instructions for completion.

Participants MUST be in grades 6-12 and live in Zion, Winthrop Harbor, or Beach Park. You must be able to show a library card or provide a phone number. Certain components of your kit must be returned to the library within 30 days of borrowing, or you will be responsible for replacing them.
Sphero Mini:

The Sphero Mini is a small, programmable robot. You must have access to a phone or tablet to control your Sphero. Wifi is also required.

Makey Makey: 

The Makey Makey is an invention kit that turns everyday objects into keys or controllers for your computer. It is a fun tool to use in conjunction with Scratch coding. You must have access to a computer with a USB port at home to complete our projects. Having internet at home is also recommended.
3D Pen:
The 3D pen is a tool that uses heated plastic to bring 3D designs to life. Make your own charms, phone cases and more! Access to a power outlet is required.
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Notice of Public Hearing 8.31.2021

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Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given by the Zion-Benton Public Library District in the City of Zion, County of Lake, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget and appropriation of said library for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 is on file and conveniently available for public inspection at the Library’s Circulation Desk, 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion, IL 60099.

Notice is hereby further given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 6:30 p.m. on August 31, 2021 in Meeting Room B at the Zion-Benton Public Library District, 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion, IL 60099.

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Request for Proposal Audit Services

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Zion-Benton Public Library District is accepting proposals from Certified Public Accounting firms to provide audit services for our Library. We invite your firm to submit a proposal to us by Thursday, June 4, 2021, by 11:00 a.m. CST for consideration. A description of our Library District, the services needed, and other pertinent information follows.

Download the Request for Proposal Audit Services

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Special Meeting Notice for 3.2.2021, 3.3.2021, & 3.9.2021

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Notice is hereby given that the President and Board of Trustees of the Zion-Benton Public Library District will hold three special meetings at 5:00 p.m., online via Zoom, for the following purposes:  to interview Director Candidates. The Special Meetings will be on Tuesday, March 2, 2021; Wednesday, March 3, 2021; and on Tuesday, March 9, 2021. Please visit this page for a copy of the agendas: https://zblibrary.info/agendas/

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Notice of Procedure for Objections to Nominating Papers

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  • The information in this Notice applies to the Election for Library Trustees at the Consolidated Election schedule for April 6, 2021
  • Per consultation with the Lake County Clerk’s Office – due to the Holiday period Objections will be taken on the following dates.

Tuesday, December 22: 10am-4pm
Wednesday, December 23: 10am – 4pm
Monday, December 28: 10am – 4pm
Tuesday, December 29: 10am – 4pm

  • For additional information regarding Objections please see the State Board of Elections website. www.elections.il.gov or contact the Lake County Clerk’s Office.

Notice of Procedure for Objections to Nominating Papers

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Notice of Library Trustee Candidate Filing Procedures

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Notice to trustee candidates about filing procedures



  1. The information in this Notice applies to candidates for Library Trustee at the Consolidated Election scheduled for April 6, 2021.


  1. Library Trustee Candidates may file candidate petitions at the Zion-Benton Public Library, 2400 Gabriel Avenue, Zion, Illinois on the following dates and times:
    1. Monday December 14, 2020 through Thursday, December 17, 2020 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.;
    2. Monday December 21, 2020 between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
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