ZB Library

Teen Snack & Games

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Hang out in the Teen Space, play some games, and have a snack. Check the schedule for upcoming snack days!


Calling all teens, grades 6-12, come hang out in the Teen Space, play some games, & enjoy a snack. This is a passive activity where you can come or go as you please.

The following games are always available to be played in the Teen Space (they are in the bins under the TV)

Board Games available: (Players & estimated play time)

What do you Meme? (3-20+ players 30-90min)

Apples to Apples (4-8 players 20 min)

Connect 4 (2 players)

Sorry (2-4 players) Yacht (2-6 Players)

Mancala (2 players)

Card Games: (Players & estimated play time)

Dungeon Mayhem (2-4 players 10min)

Phase 10 (2-6 players) Strawberry Sunset (2-4 Players 10-20 min)

Unstable Unicorns (2-8 Players, 30-60min)

Set (1-any number of players, however long you like)

Uno- attack, no mercy, flip, emoji

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